Monday, February 16, 2009

After I had a very bad experience with a break-up in Cebu City. I ran to where my hometown was. I'm now in the far north of the Island of Cebu, Bogo City. I spent most of my time in Cebu City. It's where I finished my studies and it's where I worked. I never gave any thoughts that Bogo City, where I was born, is actually a good place to live in. With the Coastal areas on the other side and the the GREENS, as what I call it, on the other. I've been here since late April last year, 2008. If it wasn't for the break-up I wouldn't have discovered that to where I came from, SIMPLICITY is such an amazing thing to caputure. 

I stopped for awhile one day and I noticed something. Take a look at the pictures. It's as breathtaking as the scenes you see everyday in advertisement. I never thought I'd get these shots without even paying for a big cash to travel.


Here is a picture taken early morning in Bogo City at the wharf area. You see there are lovers who waits to see the beauty of the sunrise. I was there to take a witness how the golden rays of the sun slowly touched and warmed my heart. 

By the way, all the pictures here are not edited nor enhanced by any programs. These are undedited pics taken at the wharf of Bogo City during sunrise. As you can see this one shows the native ways of living of the Bogohanons, Fishing. I saw them preparing and had to wait for them to start hitting the oar. Picturesque! isn't it? 

I saw this one docking, tied at the wharf. So I gave it a good shot. This is still at the wharf of Bogo City. 

 This is my first time putting on a blog. I find it fun. Please stay posted for some more pictures of my hometown in the near future. I'll be posting more pictures and stuff about Bogo City. 

Thank you for taking some time. Until next time! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pretty photos...
    Love the last one..
    Looking forward for the next!

  3. Nice start!

    Be sure to remove those words about it being a trial before you apply to adsense. Can't contain anything that makes it look like a under construction site. I would spend some time reading their Terms of Service. They take it very serious. :)

  4. aw.. thanks rusty. i'll put that in my notes.

  5. wow.. Bogo Rocks.. hehe.. so proud to be a bogohanon...
